Communication With Your Neighborhood(近所の人とコミュニケーション)


When you move house, introduce yourself to your neighbors(引っ越しあいさつ)

In Japan, there is the custom of introducing yourself to your neighbors(引っ越しあいさつ) and giving them a small gift when you move into different accommodation.
Just as you may wonder what the person who has moved in next to you is like, the people in your neighborhood will wonder the same about you when you move in. Introducing yourself to your neighbors helps you to get on well with each other.
Also, if you have a problem, your neighbors may be able to give you advice
If you are nervous about going alone to introduce yourself, please have someone who understands Japanese (a friend, someone from your workplace, etc.) go with you.

【What should I take?】

Items that are used on a daily basis, such as towels or laundry detergent, or sweets in a box, etc., are a good choice. You do not need to take expensive gifts.
The role of the gift you give when you introduce yourself is to show your friendly feelings to your neighbors. It is a way of saying, ‘Nice to meet you.
(これからよろしくお願いします) Please prepare these gifts as much as you are able to.

【Which neighbors should I visit?】

If you live in a house: the house on either side of you, and the three houses opposite you.
If you live in an apartment, etc.: the apartment on either side of you.

【How should I introduce yourself?】

You do not need to make a long introduction. It is enough to introduce yourself simply.
For example,
‘My name is ○○. I have just moved into ○○ (your apartment number).’
‘I come from ○○ (your country).’「○○(国名(こくめい))から()ました。」
‘Nice to meet you.’「どうぞよろしくお(ねが)いします。」


International Exchange Section, Civic Affairs Division (Shimin-seikatsu-ka, Kokusai-koryu-kakari,市民生活課 国際交流係) : 082-420-0922
Location: 1F North building

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