How to Dispose of Household Garbage(家庭ごみの出し方)


How to Dispose of Household Garbage(家庭ごみの出し方)

Household garbage is collected by the garbage collection company. You must dispose of your garbage at the designated location, on the designated day, and in the designated way. If you do not, it will not be collected.

There is a leaflet which contains details of how to separate your garbage, collection days, etc. Please refer to this.

The leaflet is available from the City Office,or from branch offices or sub-brunch offices of the City Office, etc.

Designated garbage bags in Higashihiroshima City(東広島市のごみ指定袋)

You must dispose of household garbage in garbage bags designated by the city. The color of the garbage bags depends on the type of garbage. Garbage in the wrong color bags will not be collected.
You can buy designated garbage bags at supermarkets, convenience stores, etc.

◆Garbage bags for household garbage (orange and purple)

burnable garbage

(For burnable garbage, dangerous garbage

and toxic garbage)

You must not dispose of burnable garbage, dangerous garbage and toxic garbage in the same garbage bag.

recyclable garbage

(For recyclable plastics, other plastics,

PET bottles, and bottles & cans)

You must not dispose of recyclable plastics, other plastics, PET bottles, and bottles & cans in the same garbage bag.

◆ Garbage bags for business garbage (red and blue)

burnable garbage

(For burnable garbage)

business garbage

(For bottles & cans)

How to Dispose of Household Garbage (PDFファイル: 539.9KB)

Designated garbage bags for business garbage(PDFファイル:734.3KB)

In some apartments, etc., garbage bags for business garbage (red and blue) are used. The rules for separating household garbage and business garbage are different, so please be sure to check the rules for the accommodation you are living in.

Issuance of Designated Garbage Bags(ごみ指定袋の交付)

Designated garbage bags are issued to those raising infants of under two years of age, etc for frree. However, bags are only issued once for each child. For details, please enquire at the Waste Management Division in the City Office.

(Up to once per child.)


Waste Management Division  (Haikibutsu-taisaku-ka, 廃棄物対策課): 082-420-0926
Location: 1F Main building 

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