Collection of small household appliances(小型家電の回収)


Among the small home appliances used by families, there are many useful metals, including ‘rare metals’, etc. The amount is said to be comparable to the reserves of a mine, and it is called an ‘urban mines’.

In Higashihiroshima City, by installing collection boxes at each facility in the city, we will be able to reuse small home appliances that were thrown away as garbage as new resources.

1.Items eligible for collection(回収対象品目)

The following items are eligible for collection if they fit into the collection box's opening (18cm long x 40cm wide).

When disposing of these items, please read section 3 below (‘Precautions’) carefully.

Picture of a laptop

Mobile phone, PHS, Personal computers

Picture of a telephone

Telephones, FAX machines

Picture of a radio


Picture of a camera

Digital cameras, Video cameras

Picture of a dvd player

DVD players, Video tape recorders

Picture of a music player

Digital audio players

Picturre of a memory devices

Memory cards

Picture of a ebook reader

E-book readers

Picture of a calculator

Electronic dictionaries, Calculators

picture of a thermometer

Electronic thermometers

picture of hairdryer and shaver

Hair dryers, Electric shavers

picture of flashlight


picture of alarm

Electronic clocks, Electric clocks

picture of video game

Game consoles

picture of car navigation system and ETC device

Car navigation systems, ETC car units

picture of charger and remotecontrol

Remote controls, AC adapters, Cables, Chargers

  • Mobile phone terminals, PHS terminals, personal computers (including monitors)
    This category includes tablet-type information and communication terminals.
  • Telephones, fax machines
  • Radios
  • Digital cameras, video cameras, film cameras
  • Video equipment (DVD-video players, HDD recorders, Blu-rays/disc recorders/players, video tape recorders (sets), tuners)
  • Audio equipment (MD players, digital audio players (flash memory), digital audio players (HDD), CD players, tape recorders excluding decks, headphones and earphones, IC recorders, hearing aids), speakers
  • Auxiliary storage devices (hard disks, USB memory, memory cards)
  • E-book readers
  • Electronic dictionaries, calculators
  • Electronic blood pressure monitors, electronic thermometers
  • Barber equipment (hair dryers, hair irons, electric shavers, electric clippers, electric razor cleaners, electric toothbrushes)
  • Flashlights
  • Electronic clocks
  • Game consoles (stationary game consoles, portable game consoles, high-tech trend toys (e.g. i-SOBOT, AIBO, MP3-based musician dolls, etc.))
  • Car accessories (car navigation systems, car color TVs, car tuners, car stereos, car radios, car CD players, car DVDs, car MDs, car speakers, car amplifiers, VICS units, ETC car units)
  • Accessories for these (remote controls, AC adapters, cables, plugs/jacks, chargers, etc.)

Heated electronic cigarettes are not eligible for collection in used small appliance collection boxes.
Please dispose of heated electronic cigarettes as non-burnable bulky waste. Please note that heated electronic cigarettes contain rechargeable batteries and may ignite, so please dispose of them in a way that makes it clear that they contain rechargeable batteries.

Example:・Put them in a bag and clearly state on the bag that it contains rechargeable batteries.

              ・Attach a label stating that it contains rechargeable batteries.

These items are recommended by the government in the ‘Guidelines for the Collection of Used Small Electronic Devices, etc.’ as items that should be recycled in particular because of their resource value and ease of sorting (specific target items).

2.Collection box locations(回収ボックス設置場所)

Collection time: Monday to Friday (excluding holidays and year-end and New Year holidays) from 8:30 to 17:15

Picture of collecting box of small devices
Collection box locations

Facility Name


Main Building 1F, North Building 1F, Higashihiroshima City Office

Click here for the City Office Main Building Layout(PDFファイル:469.4KB)

8-29 Saijo Sakae-machi, Higashihiroshima City

Hachihonmatsu Sub-Branch Office

10128-200 Hara, Hachihonmatsu-cho, Higashihiroshima City

Shiwa Sub-Branch Office

4123-6 Shiwahori, Shiwa-cho, Higashihiroshima City

Takaya Sub-Branch Office

1334-2 Kinehara, Takaya-cho, Higashihiroshima City

Kurose Branch Office

1333 Maruyama, Kurose-cho, Higashihiroshima City

Fukutomi Branch Office

1545-1 Kuba, Fukutomi-cho, Higashihiroshima City

Toyosaka Branch Office

963-2 Kajiya, Toyosaka-cho, Higashihiroshima City

Kochi Branch Office

1166 Nakagochi, Kochi-cho, Higashihiroshima City

Akitsu Branch Office

5556-1 Mitsu, Akitsu-cho, Higashihiroshima City


  • Please dispose of electronic devices that are not included in the list of ‘Items eligible for collection’ (1 above) as oversized non-burnable waste.
  • Please be sure to delete your personal information.
  • Small home appliances cannot be returned once put in the collection box. Please check your items carefully before disposing of them.
  • Please remove batteries (only if removable). After removing batteries, wrap the metal parts in insulating vinyl tape or similar to insulate them before disposing of them as hazardous waste.
  • Only batteries disposed of from households will be collected.
  • Batteries disposed of in locations outside the city cannot be collected. Please dispose of them according to the garbage separation rules set by the municipality where they were disposed of.


Waste Management Division  (Haikibutsu-taisaku-ka, 廃棄物対策課): 082-420-0926
Location: 1F Main building 

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