Your tax payments support the city(あなたの税金がまちを支えています)


Municipal taxes mainly include property tax, individual and corporate inhabitant taxes. They account for 36% of the city's revenue (incoming money). The remaining 64% is subsidies from the national and prefectural governments, such as the local allocation tax and national and prefectural expenditure funds.
The municipal tax burden is approximately 190,000 yen per citizen (the amount of revenue from municipal tax divided by the number of citizens as of March 2023). Expenditures (money spent) for administrative services are approximately 530,000 yen per citizen. Your city tax is an important source of revenue. It is thanks to each citizen paying taxes on time that we are able to provide administrative services such as welfare, education, roads, disaster response, and waste disposal.
Higashihiroshima City has a population of 189,735 (as of March 31, 2023). The amount of general account expenditures is about 530,000 yen per citizen. From this, the following amounts are spent per person:

Improvements to welfare Nursery schools, support for the aged, etc. Approx. 172,000 yen
Improvements to the city Repairs to roads, parks, etc. Approx. 48,000 yen
Improvements to education Textbooks, desks, blackboards, etc. Approx. 56,000 yen
Processing of garbage Management of the garbage processing facilities, etc. Approx. 34,000 yen
Firefighting, disaster recovery Recovery from damage caused by torrential rain, etc. Approx. 53,000 yen
Other Approx. 118,000 yen
Repayment of city loans Approx. 49,000 yen

Please pay taxes before the deadline!(納期限内の納付にご協力ください)

If you miss the deadline for payment of city taxes, you may be charged a late fee. Please cooperate to pay your city taxes on time.
The Tax Payment Information Center, located in the Tax Collection Division, calls those who have not paid their taxes to remind them to pay, reissues payment slips, and provides information about payment counseling services. If the center cannot reach you during the day, the staff may call you at night or on holidays.


Tax Collection Division (Shuno-ka, 収納課) : 082-420-0912
Location: 5F Main building 

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