Bringing garbage directly to a disposal facility(ごみの直接搬入)


If you have a large amount of garbage generated from cleaning your home, mowing the lawn, moving, etc., and you put it at a garbage station, it will interfere with garbage collection, so please take it directly to the disposal facility yourself.

Types of garbage and disposal facilities(ごみの分別種と搬入施設

Types of garbage and disposal facilities

Type of garbage

Color of designated garbage bags

Facility to use

Burnable garbage


Hiroshima Chuo Ecopark

Tel: 082-426-0820

Address: 10759-2 Kami-Minaga, Saijo-cho, Higashihiroshima

Opening hours: Monday to Saturday 8:30am-5pm

(Excluding New Year's holidays)

Dangerous garbage

Other plastics


Burnable oversized garbage

Designated garbage bags not necessary


Magazines, miscellaneous paper, cardboard

Bottles and cans


Kamo Environmental Center

Tel: 0823-82-6499

Address: 24-10427 Kunichika, Kurose-cho, Higashihiroshima

Opening hours: Monday to Saturday 8:30am-5pm

(Excluding public holidays and the New Year holidays)

PET bottles

Recyclable plastics

Hazardous garbage


Non-burnable oversized garbage

Designated garbage bags not necessary

Things to note when bringing directly to a garbage disposal facility:

  1. No advance reservations are required.
  2. Garbage that cannot be disposed of by the city will not be accepted, so please dispose of it appropriately.
  3. Please separate garbage and secure it so that it does not fall during transport.
  4. When bringing it to the garbage disposal facility, please separate garbage in the same way as when you put it out at a garbage station, and put any garbage that fits into the designated 40L bags into the designated bags before bringing it. If the garbage is not in use, it cannot be accepted (excluding garbage that can be brought with a processing ticket on a pay-per-use bases).
  5. When bringing the garbage to the garbage disposal facility, please show something that shows your address (such as your residence card or driver's license) to confirm that the garbage came from within Higashihiroshima City.

  6. Vehicles up to 4 tonnes in size can be brought to the garbage disposal facility (long bodies not allowed).

  7. First, the item will be weighed on the reception scale, and then it will be weighed again after it has been unloaded.

  8. Please be careful as large transport vehicles and other vehicles will be driving around the disposal facility.

  9. You cannot bring construction garbage generated by contractors' work.

  10. If you are bringing garbage that would not normally be disposed of as household garbage, we will ask for confirmation from the city at the reception desk and may refuse to bring it on the day.

  11. If you are bringing a large amount of garbage with a total volume of more than 350 kg or more than 60 kg/day of concrete blocks, roofing tiles, etc., you will need to have the Waste Management Division inspect the items in advance, and present the ‘Application for Confirmation of Processing of General Solid Garbage (Moving Garbage/Large Quantities of Temporary Gargabe) (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Application’)’.

Please avoid bringing in items that can be brought with a processing ticket (※) together with other items!

Please note that if you bring garbage that can be brought with a processing ticket on a pay-per-use basis, garbage that can be brought for free (oversized garbage, newspapers, magazines/miscellaneous paper, cardboard), and garbage that should be put out in designated garbage bags together in your vehicle and take them to the processing facility, you will have to unload and weigh the garbage multiple times for each type of garbage, which will take time and effort.

Items that can be brought with a processing ticket on a pay-per-use basis

  1. Pruned branches
  2. Grass clippings
  3. Fallen leaves
  4. Roof tiles
  5. Concrete shells, etc. (concrete blocks, bricks)
  6. Items approved by the city upon application

When bringing a large amount of garbage or when bringing without putting it in designated  garbage bags(多量のごみを搬入する場合や指定袋に入れずに搬入する場合)

Except for construction garbage, if a large amount of garbage is generated due to cleaning up or moving, or when bringing without putting the garbage in the designated bags, a city employee must inspect the garbage in advance and an application must be submitted.

1.The following are cases where an actual inspection by a city employee or submission of an application form is required:

Application for confirmation of actual garbage and [Household] solid general garbage processing
  Unnecessary Necessary

・Concrete blocks (concrete shells)

・Roof tiles


60kg or under

Over 60kg

(If approved by the city, you can bring up to 350kg per week.)

Garbage other than the above

350kg or under

*If you are bringing garbage that must be put in designated garbage bags without using the designated bags, the staff will need to inspect the garbage and you will need to submit an application form even if the weight is less than 350kg.

Over 350kg

(You can bring up to the amount confirmed by the city.)

2.Procedures for garbage in the ‘Necessary’ category in 1:

  1. Contact the Waste Management Division and have the item inspected.
    *Please contact us well in advance.
  2. Submit the application form to the Waste Management Division and have it inspected (stamped).
    [Household garbage] Application for confirmation of disposal of solid general garbage (moving garbage, large amount of garbage at one time) (Japanese page)
  3. Bring a copy of the confirmed application to the disposal facility.
    *If you bring the garbage without putting it in a designated garbage bag based on the application, please purchase a disposal ticket for 130 yen per 20 kg on a pay-per-use basis to pay the disposal fee. (130 yen for 20 kg or less. If it exceeds 20 kg, 130 yen will be added for each 20 kg.)

When bringing in pruned branches, grass clippings, or fallen leaves(剪定枝・刈り草・落ち葉を持ち込む場合)

If you are bringing pruned branches, grass clippings, or fallen leaves directly, you can do one of the following:

  • Bring them in a designated bag (orange) as burnable garbage
  • Bring them by paying a handling fee based on the weight of the garbage with a disposal ticket (130 yen/20 kg). (If you are bringing only pruned branches, grass clippings, or fallen leaves, and the weight is under 350 kg, you do not need to submit an application.)

When bringing the garbage, if the amount you are bringing exceeds 350 kg (the load capacity of one light truck), you must first have the Waste Management Division inspect the garbage, then submit an application and have it confirmed.

If you do not have a confirmed application form at the time of bringing the garbage, the processing facility may refuse to accept the garbage.

However, we will dispatch a special processing vehicle (Town Beaver) to recycle pruned branches (chip them) free of charge upon request from residents, so please feel free to use it. Please see the following link for details.

Dispatch of vehicles to recycle (chip) pruned branches (Japanese version page)

When requesting a company to collect and transport moving garbage or large amounts of garbage(引越しごみ・一時多量ごみの収集運搬を業者に依頼されるときは)

When requesting a company to collect and transport moving garbage or large amounts of garbage generated from your home, please make sure to ask a company that has been licensed by Higashihiroshima City to collect and transport general garbage (solid) (see link below).

Unlicensed parties are prohibited from transporting other people's garbage for business purposes under the Garbage Disposal and Cleaning Law. In addition, licensed companies for general garbage (solid) collection and transportation vary by area. You cannot request collection and transportation from a company in another area. Please ask the company directly about collection and transportation fees.

List of licensed companies for the collection and transportation of general garbage (solid) (Japanese page)

When bringing in construction garbage such as concrete blocks, roof tiles, and plasterboard(コンクリートブロック、瓦、石こうボードなどの建築廃材を持ち込む場合)

*Please refer to the following link.

About directly bringing in construction garbage from self-construction (Japanese page)

Garbage that cannot be handled by the city(市で処理できないごみ)

The city does not collect or process some garbage, such as garbage that cannot be handled at the city's processing facilities, or garbage that manufacturers are required to collect and recycle under various recycling laws. The most common types of garbage are as follows:

Four types of home appliances (air conditioners, televisions, refrigerators/freezers, washing machines/clothes dryers)

The Home Appliance Recycling Law requires that the home appliance retailer where you purchased the appliance or the home appliance retailer where you are replacing the appliance be responsible for collection and transportation. For more information, please see the following link:

Home Appliance Recycling Law Target Products (Multilingual Page Link)


Desktop computers, notebook computers, CRT displays, LCD displays, CRT-type all-in-one computers, and LCD-type all-in-one computers are collected and recycled by computer manufacturers, etc., in accordance with the Law for the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources. For details, please contact each manufacturer or the PC 3R Promotion Association (Japanese page).


If you want to dispose of your motorcycle, please first consult with the store where you purchased it. There is also a voluntary initiative called the ‘Motorcycle Recycling System’, run by a total of seven domestic manufacturers and importers, to collect and recycle motorcycles, so if you wish to use this system, please check whether it is eligible for collection. (Parts only and bicycles are not eligible.)

Motorcycle Recycling System Participating Businesses (as of October 1, 2022)

  1.  Honda Motor Co., Ltd., telephone number: 0120-086-819
  2.  Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd., telephone number: 0120-090-819
  3.  Suzuki Motor Corporation, telephone number: 0120-402-253
  4.  Kawasaki Motors Corporation, telephone number: 0120-400-819
  5.  Ducati Japan Co., Ltd., telephone number: 0120-030-292
  6.  BMW Corporation, telephone number: 0120-269-437
  7.  Harley-Davidson Japan Co., Ltd., telephone number: 0800-080-8080

For more information about the motorcycle recycling system, please contact the following:
Public Interest Foundation Automobile Recycling Promotion Center (Japanese page)

Telephone number: 050-3000-0727

Reception hours: 9:30-17:00 (excluding weekends, holidays, New Year's holidays, etc.)

Fire extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are collected and recycled by the Japan Fire Extinguisher Industry Association in cooperation with member manufacturers and fire extinguisher retailers. For details on where to find a fire extinguisher dealer near you and how to recycle fire extinguishers, please visit the Fire Extinguisher Recycling Promotion Center (Japanese page).

Aerosol-type fire extinguishers are not subject to fire extinguisher recycling. As with other aerosol cans, please dispose of them as 'bottles and cans' after using up the contents.

Other garbage not processed in the city

  • For gas cylinders, tires and other car parts, and batteries, please contact your local dealer.
  • For agricultural machinery and pesticides, please contact your dealer or your nearest JA.
  • For industrial garbage, please contact the Environmental Management Division of the Western and Eastern Hiroshima Prefecture Health and Environment Office (Tel: 082-422-6911 (switchboard)). In addition, introductions to industrial garbage disposal companies can be made through the Hiroshima Prefectural Resource Recycling Association (Tel: 082-247-8499).


Waste Management Division  (Haikibutsu-taisaku-ka, 廃棄物対策課): 082-420-0926
Location: 1F Main building 
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